Friday, 12 September 2014

Superb experience by John Williams


John(right) and his son Jonathan Williams
Sean , Many thanks, I have shot all my life pheasants, partridge, duck, geese and woodpigeon but our trip was by far the best shooting experience I have ever had. 
John with his Kudu
Coupled with the professionalism of Churchill’s and your organisational skills it was a superb experience.

John with his Blesbuck

The PH's were impressive and Garth and I got on well and we certainly made a good team with the indomitable Moses who can spot a spot of blood from 50yds.
John with his Blue Wildebeest

I enjoyed using my Winchester 30/30 which apart from the occasional mechanical hiccup was true and amazingly I never missed with it.
John with his massive Eland bull
I recorded 7 kills with single shots some with the Winchester. Keep in touch and let's do it again.

Best John
London, England

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